Young Rock 1x04-1x06 Recap and Review

So where does the story of Young Rock go in its fourth installment, “Check your head”? It checks in on Dwayne Johnson in 1990 as he started playing football for Miami University. The story is told from the point of view of the future presidential candidate being interviewed by a famous sportscaster as the Rock tells us how he suffered a major setback in his early football years that served as a defining experience for him. Dwayne was riding the victory of being a football star high as he was buying his parents a fancy new TV and carrying himself with class at parties but all that changed when he sustained an injury to his shoulder during a game. That injury put him out of the game for the whole season but everybody assured him that “injury is part of the game”, and that if he hit rehab hard and went to every meeting he would come back next season better than ever. So Dwayne did what he knew best and hit rehab hard and while he got better physically it was a totally different stor...