Murder Mystery Review

Onscreen chemistry can sometimes be the determining factor in the enjoyment level of a movie and that is certainly the case in Netflix’s Murder Mystery which finds Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston as a delightfully fun onscreen pair.Summary: Murder Mystery follows a New York cop and his wife going on a European vacation to liven up their 15-year-old marriage who find themselves framed for murder. Murder Mystery is far from a perfect mystery film but what makes it work is the stellar performances from Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston and the film’s willingness to fully embrace the absurdity of the situation the characters find themselves in.
Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston are long-standing standouts in Hollywood and in Murder Mystery they prove they are still capable of delivering entertainment in high gear. One of the most compelling parts of their performances is their transformative acting which makes you believe in the characters you are watching and at the same time doesn’t make you think about the other numerous characters the actors have played in the past. The natural chemistry between the two leads also really works because it keeps the characters grounded in preventing Sandler’s character from going to over the top and cartoonist at times and opening up Aniston’s character to a more playful side which prevents her very straight-faced character from becoming too mundane in the somewhat parody esque tone of the movie.
Murder Mystery pulls off some of the mystery story elements off really well because this picture could have easily just stuck to telling a wild over the top comedic tale when instead it took care to transport the unique quirky lead characters into a lavish and very dramatically cinematic landscape which begins with the yacht they are invited on and evolves from there and have the characters contrast the mystery drama to hilarious effect. As the mystery progresses the story puts the characters through various murder mystery cliches but against engaging backdrops with strong character actors and the writing in the script brings forth a tongue in cheek flavor that emphasizes the fish out of water/parody theme the comedy-mystery is going for.  Great use of big-budget action, makes it a standout for Netflix Since this is a Netflix film one might think that the action would be restrained in this movie and limited but instead it pulls off some really exciting sequences within the scope of the story. A couple of highlights include a zany shootout and a mustache-themed Ferrari chase which may stretch the lines of believability but are totally in line with the wacky tone.
The evolution of the relationship problems between Sandler and Aniston is a factor in this movie but it’s not that deep or thematically relevant as it hits the necessary beats but doesn't do anything to make a statement or flesh out the world of their marriage. There could have been various possibilities for explaining why the long-standing couple have never had kids or why they have been together so long in the first place and really fleshed out the marriage more and made it feel more real and rich from a storytelling perspective but instead the movie focuses on delivering absurd comedy in an unrealistic situation that is presented with numerous plot holes which are to be ignored for the sake of entertainment. 
Conclusion: Murder Mystery is a thrilling often funny picture that proves Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston still can channel incredible energy into a story and imbue it with great fun. 
Score: C +


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