Why Michael Keaton Should Star in a Lost Movie or Limited Series Reboot

What if Michael Keaton had been the star of Lost ? Well in fact that was the original plan back in the mid 2000s as Michael Keaton was originally approached by J.J. Abrams to play Jack Shephard on the hit TV show Lost in a premise that would have seen Keaton established as the series lead only to be killed off dramatically within the final ten minutes of the first hour of the show. This was a tactic producer J.J. Abrams had hoped to employ it in order to provide shock value to the audience so as to communicate that anything was possible on the show and anybody could die at any moment. However, this never came to be as the creatives decided that audiences would become too attached to Keaton in the role and thus talk was floated about Keaton potentially committing to an entire series which Keaton summarily rejected and thus Micheal Fox took on the role and led that series from its debut in 2004 to its conclusion in 2010 after six seasons. Rumors have surfaced about the potential of...